I thought I would make another blog entry on fasting...remember that you take the risk into your own hands when deciding to not eat for a period of time. This is just my personal experiences and opinions on the subject.
The most important reason for fasting is that the body uses quite a bit of energy to digest food. When fasting this energy becomes available for other uses. These uses include: scouring for dead cells, damaged tissues, fatty deposits, tumors, abscesses, all of which are burned up by the body or expelled as waste. Fasting can restore good digestion and waste elimination. Fasting allows a temporary physiological rest of the digestive organs, and the energy saved goes into healing repairing processes. By eliminating obstructions, cleansing, detoxification, and purifying the intestines, the blood, and the cells, we can overcome some of our physical problems or diseased as well as getting an increase in energy. Fasting not only removes obstructions and helps the body to heal itself, it could also rejuvenate and increase the life of body organs and cells. These benefits can have long term affects on your mental and emotional health.
The other important point to remember is that your self-awareness will be elevated. For some people that are sick or have mood/depression problems, this could be the answer they are looking for. While fasting, you usually become more aware of your body process and everything going on with you physically. It becomes a time where you can evaluate all that you're doing more thoroughly and objectively. You should have more time for contemplation because you aren't spending time, preparing, eating, eliminating and cleaning up all the things used to prepare food. You become more aware of what your body likes and doesn't like when you start to eat again. You gain self-confidence in your ability to control your life process. You learn to set a goal and to carry out that goal.