Vaccine Dangers

Its cold and flu season!

It’s Cold and Flu Season!
Have you rolled up your sleeve at Wal-Mart or Walgreens yet? Major retailers are promoting flu shots like it’s your civic duty to protect yourself, your family and community at large from spending 3 days in bed.

I expect to see a flu shot drive up window at McD’s any day now.

The question is, do flu shots prevent the flu as the brainwashing,  um, I mean advertising claims?

Statistics show that you have a 50% chance of getting the flu with a flu shot.

Statistics also show that you have a 1  out of 2 chance of getting the flu without a flu shot.

A few years ago a large hospital in Canada ordered their  500 nurses to get a flu shot.  499 nurses got the shot, one nurse refused. 499 nurses came down with the flu. One nurse didn’t. Take a scientific wild ass guess which nurse didn’t get the flu.

I like to have fun at all the places that promote flu shots. You can too. Here’s what I do. I walk up and ask, “Are these the mercury containing flu shots?”.  If there’s someone waiting to roll their sleeve up, they look aghast (as they should) and say “they contain mercury?”.

Then I look at the person giving the shots and wait for their answer. Generally they’re evasive and say something like “I don’t think so.” Can’t let them get off with that. So I say, “Well, do they or don’t they.” When they refused to answer, I say, “Let’s have a look at the package insert- you have one right?”

So they reluctantly pull out the insert. It’s about a mile long and very small print- so make sure you have your reading glasses. I scan for the word “thimerosal”.  It’s 50% ethyl mercury.

“Oh yeah, here it is. 25 micrograms of thimerosal. Do you think you should be injecting mercury into people?”

One woman said, “Well that’s not very much.” Really? The CDC says that to safely take 25 micrograms of mercury you have to weight 550lbs. They don’t actually say it that way but if you extrapolate the data, that’s what you have to weight. For a pediatric flu shot to be safe, you’d have to have a really big baby- a 275 pound baby.

Now at one pharmacy where I’ve had this fun,  the pharmacist gave me the insert. It took awhile to get to the ingredients part. I said, “No thimerosal in this one- but it takes awhile to find the ingredients because there are so many  Adverse Reactions listed first.” So we got to chatting and she volunteered “You’d be better off to get the flu!”. 

I agreed and said “Indeed! Studies have also shown that if you get a flu shot five consecutive years you are 10 times more likely to develop Alzheimer's Disease.”  We talked for a good long time. Smart pharmacist. She saw what a scam it is right away.

So what do you do to avoid the flu? Here are some tips:
1.        Wash your hands often and keep them away from your face
2.        Laugh often- A  merry heart still doeth good like a medicine
3.        Stay away from sugar and white flour (that means alcohol too- sorry)
What if you feel that scratchiness starting in your throat or feel a fever coming on? Here are some go to strategies. It’s definitely quicker to prevent it from becoming full blown misery than to let it fully develop and shut it down.

1. Oil of Oregano- it’s amazingly powerful

2. IP-6 . The most cost effective I’ve found is at Swanson Vitamins. But if you don’t  have it on hand and you’re got symptoms starting, get it at a health food store for about $20. Take 6-8 capsules every two hours. I’ve seen people better from double pneumonia in a day after several antibiotics failed to help.

3. Vitamin C powder and baking soda. Baking soda by itself is quite effective also.  I mix a teaspoon of Vit C powder with ¼ teaspoon of baking soda, add water and stir until it stops fizzing. That makes sodium ascorbate. Drink that every hour until you feel  digestive “gurgling”. That’s your bowel tolerance. The amount I can take when I’m well can double or triple when I have symptoms.

If you’ve already had a flu shot or know someone with Alzheimer's, help is available.  Pub Med has published reports on fibroblast growth factor growing neurites.  For information on a supplement that contains FGF, contact the person that posted this information. Visit for more information on the potential dangers of vaccines.

From:  A natural health consultant.

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